生成设计: 建筑生成设计研究伴随计算机辅助设计的发展,从中逐渐分化成独立的研究体系。建筑生成设计作为建筑环境、功能、空间、建构技术及成本控制之间的粘合媒介和工具,并从一个特定的视角展现建筑设计不断步入科学发展的可能。建筑生成设计用崭新的方法来理解传统的观念,驱动固有思维定势的转换,同时拒绝陈旧的假定,并逐步影响于集体性的学科认知,生成设计将提供新的教学探索、实验乃至投资的可能方向。
数控制造:结合本科程序生成设计教学尝试,通过生成工具的数据编写及输出,从低层控制各种CNC设备编码方法,形成建筑创作、程序编码及数控输出的“数字链(digital chain)”一体化建筑学方法。探索非标准建筑建造过程及其构造方法,关注实体模型与真实建造之间的差距,并通过大比例实体模型测试结果。扩大生成设计教学范畴,形成一支高水平数字技术教学师资队伍,在整体教学研究水平、教学质量、办学条件等方面接近国际知名大学水平。
The Laboratory of Architectural Algorithms and Applications (Lab. AAA) of Southeast University is establishing the field of generative design, digital fabrication, and physical computing in the School of Architecture. By exploring the cutting-edge technologies and methods from computer science and engineering, Inst. AAA has been applying digital technologies to architecture, landscape, and urban planning. The computational methods have facilitated the unprecedented integration of research, education, and practice. The interplay of computation, automation, and production leads to the reunion of digitization and materialization of architecture.
Our education programs are supported by the research programs. The major undergraduate design studios (fourth grade, 8 weeks) include: generative design, digital fabrication, and physical computing. These design studios teach students computer programming, and guide they to explore the algorithmic logics of architectural design. The graduate programs are more closely associated with the Institute’s research agenda, including machine learning of architectural/urban data, robotic fabrication, and smart embedded systems.