Prosperity Landscape Installation
Prosperity Landscape Installation
“Prosperity” was designed by the students from Institute of Architecture Algorithms & Applications. It was built for the 90th anniversary of School of Architecture, Southeast University.
“鼎上添花”项目由东南大学建筑运算与应用研究所(Inst. AAA)学生团队,为庆祝东南大学建筑学院成立90周年设计建造。 “鼎上添花”项目以现有台基为设计条件,四角起拱,向上飞升,呈鼎力之势。为与原有庄重的青铜大鼎产生良好的对比,作品选择了银色铝板,镂空90字样以及建筑学院院徽构成,两件作品相互呼应,相得益彰,又因新作飞升于青铜大鼎之上,仰望时与周边的梧桐叶互相交织成美丽的花纹,取名“鼎上添花”,寓意东南大学蒸蒸日上,繁花似锦。
The height of the structure is 6.28m. With the method of generative design, each step of the design progress formed a “digital chain”, from the simulation of the catenary to the details and drawings for construction. 275 different pieces were fabricated by CNC machines. The program lasted for 3 weeks, and it was constructed by students and workers within 2 days.
指导:李飚 唐芃
设计与编程:李鸿渐 张佳石
搭建:李鸿渐 张佳石 陈允元 王嘉诚 李昊 郭翰宸 王笑 沈添 李思颖 陈今子 徐怡然及施工队