
Research on Optimization Algorithm of parking lot layout based on Integer Programming




随着社会经济的持续发展,城市停车问题日益突显,停车场和地下车库作为集中性的停车场所,对改善城 市停车问题具有重大意义。目前的车位排布设计,主要依赖设计人员的经验进行人工排布,而现有的车位排布算法, 无法有效处理复杂轮廓和内部障碍物的影响,也无法协调多种车型和车位方向的组合排布。本研究以露天停车场为 研究对象,建立整数规划模型进行车位排布的优化设计。 研究首先建立了符合规范的车位排布数理模型,然后优化区域划分以获取若干规则的可排布子区域。每个区域 内,根据不同车型,角度和方向设定模板,设置约束进行优化求解。本研究提出的优化算法精确性更高,并且可以 根据具体功能需要协调多种车位(大小、角度、方向)的个数和停车区域。




With the sustainable development of social economy, the problem of urban parking has become increasingly prominent. As centralized parking places, parking lots and underground garages are of great significance to solve the problem of urban parking. At present, the layout design of parking spaces mainly depends on the experience of designers to manual layout. However, the existing parking space layout algorithm can not effectively deal with the impact of complex contours and internal obstacles, nor can it coordinate the combined layout of multiple vehicle types and station directions. Take the open-air parking lot as research object, an integer programming model is established to optimize the layout of parking spaces. Firstly, the mathematical model of parking space arrangement is established. Then, the segmented site is optimized to obtain several regular arrangeable sub regions. In each region, templates and constraints are set according to different vehicle types, angles and directions for optimal solution. The optimization algorithm proposed in this study has higher accuracy, and can coordinate the number of multiple parking spaces (size, angle, direction) and parking areas according to the specific functional needs.


Parking Lot; Integer Programming; Parking Place Arrangements